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The European Union is a rich tapestry of cultures and traditions — also regarding its justice systems. While research, analysis and indicators on member states’ judiciary systems abound, information tends to be dispersed across various sources, including legal documents, scholarly journals, and myriad rankings from different organisations.

This is why Democracy Reporting International, under the re:constitution project and with support by Stiftung Mercator, created the Judiciary Hub, a go-to resource for experts and professionals inside or outside of the legal field trying to decode Europe’s judicial jumble.

With the EU confronting internal rule of law challenges and public discourse increasingly muddled by disinformation, deceitful narratives and partisan views, experts and professionals must hold nuanced and multifaceted debates to challenge misleading claims.

The Judiciary Hub provides policymakers, journalists, academia, and other groups involved in the European rule of law debate quick access to facts, robust analysis, and credible sources.

Our features:

  • Navigate our map: Access complex data and rankings on member states’ judiciary systems at a glance by interacting with our map.
  • Delve deep into a country: Explore a full compilation of facts, rankings and resources by accessing each member state’s in-depth profile. You will find:
    • A description of the country’s justice system (including the make-up of the judiciary and the system of judicial governance)
    • Analysis of the country’s top rule of law challenges
    • Positive developments/good practices if applicable
    • A compilation of rankings and surveys on judicial independence, integrity and court efficiency.
    • Recommendations from the EU, the Council of Europe and civil society organisations.
    • Data on compliance with CJEU and ECHR judgments
  •  Compare and report: Select up to five states and your preferred data points to compare them. You may also download the information in an Excel sheet.
  • Dispel doubts: Our glossary clarifies technical terms as they appear on the website.
  • Stay updated: Access the latest information and keep track of data changes via our updates system on the homepage.

Take a step towards a more informed debate around the rule of law in the EU. Explore our Judiciary Hub!

The Judiciary Hub is an initiative from:

Democracy Reporting International (DRI) is an independent non-profit organisation committed to defending and improving democracy worldwide.
We analyse threats to democracy and advocate for solutions during key legislative and political processes. By bringing impartial analysis and policy recommendations to policymakers, we encourage them to act before emerging concerns become pressing problems.
Together with citizens and civil society groups committed to democratic renewal, we establish and improve democratic institutions that preserve people’s freedoms. Our reference points are internationally agreed democratic principles.
With a presence in eight countries, local teams and wide networks of partners, we listen to communities and together chart the best path towards change. We have expertise on a wide range of issues related to democratic governance and can react quickly to the latest trends and developments in different countries.

re:constitution is a programme spanning academia and practice to promote cross-border and interdisciplinary exchange, debate, capacity-building and analysis for scholars and practitioners concerned with the rule of law, democracy and the shifting political dynamics in Europe. Under re:constitution, Democracy Reporting International aims to improve public understanding of the rule of law and encourages a fact-based debate around the issue in the European Union. It does so by providing the media and policymakers with timely, clear and accessible research and analysis. This serves journalists and political decision-makers as a possible first source of information on the important developments in connection with the rule of law in Europe.

With support from:

DRI would like to thank Forum Transregionale Studien for their contribution to the Judiciary Hub.